Social Media Showdown: 40+ Times Customers And Companies Dished The Perfect Clapback

By Peace L

This article was originally published on sportfoy

Thanks to social media, companies are able to interact with their customers more than ever before. In typing out a quick message, complaints and compliments can be addressed almost instantly. And though it seems easy to manage a brand’s social media account, it’s a big task that is best left to the experts. Social media managers are those anonymous employees behind the screen who are tasked with generating engaging content and maintaining a positive relationship with consumers. We’re sure there are a lot of caveats with the job, but sass doesn’t seem to be one of them.

Some companies have managed to find pros who seem to have the perfect clapback for any comment. Meanwhile, other companies are subject to roasts by consumers and their competitors. There are so many examples of companies dishing and receiving remarkable clap-backs, so we brought you a sampling of some of the best company clap-backs the internet has to offer.

Redbox Tests Burger King 

We open this piece with an interesting Twitter bit. The two sides in this tweet are Burger King and Redbox. Burger King wrote out a list of five top replies in 2019. The list has some hilarious responses from customers.

Source: Know Your Meme

Everything was calm until Redbox decided to stir up some trouble. Redbox tweeted “ok boomer,” which suggested that Burger King was out of date. However, Burger King wasn’t going to take that from Redbox. They responded with a killer clap-back. 

Does Amazon Prime Have Minions? 

This particular roast is hilarious. Just take a look at the screenshot, and you’ll understand how funny it is. Prime Video posted a comment on their account saying, “I don’t get Minions.” Minions are miniature yellow characters that wear blue overalls and funny metal goggles – they work for Gru in the Despicable Me movie.  

Source: deMilked 

The Minions are treated poorly by their master, Gru. Twitter user @LeAngryMetsFan responds to Prime Video by making them understand that the Minions are poorly-treated workers. This user further accuses the company of placing their workers in similar conditions. Ouch. 

Why Would I Do That?

This Twitter conversation between Ask Lyft and @DoNotAtMe_ is hilarious. The Twitter user said he’d been using Lyft to sell drugs. We really can’t know if he was being honest or joking. Regardless of what his intentions were, Ask Lyft responded with an impossible request.

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned

The company account asked the Twitter user to provide them with his phone number. The answer provided by the Twitter user was perfectly rational. The individual responded by asking Lfyt: “why would I do that?”. To be fair, he did say not to @ him…

A Wrong Choice of Words

Sometimes, social media users can avoid an extremely harsh roast if they simply watch what they say. In this case, it was too late for @savEdward. He already made a wrong choice of words, and Samsung Mobile didn’t spare him.    

Source: u/demevalos / Reddit 

Reading his tweet, you can decipher what exactly it was that he said (even though it’s blurred out). For censorship, we’ll assume that he said: “it was a John pic.” Samsung Mobile then goes ahead to reply with a microscope emoji – meaning that he had a microJohn.  

Burger King Drive Stays

In this tweet, Burger King said everybody drives thru, but nobody drive stays. The Burger King joke was short-lived when @thelexikitty commented on their tweet. The Twitter user had a nice reference image to prove her point and disprove Burger King’s. 

Source: David Curran / Photographer  burgerking / Twitter

@thelexikitty’s photo showed a car that had crashed into a restaurant and became immobile. The person driving may have been attempting to do a drive-through but actually ended up doing a drive stay – which effectively countered Burger King’s tweet earlier. 

Cooper Franklin Gets Crushed 

Burgers have been around for a long time now, and they’re primarily circular in shape. However, Wendy’s started a line of square-shaped burgers. As you can imagine, there would have been a lot of different reactions by social media users. Some may have even said that Wendy’s was “cutting corners.” 


Twitter user, Cooper Franklin, decided to say that the square-shaped burgers seemed artificial. He also said that Wendy’s should get rid of it. However, Wendy’s disagreed with Franklin. They replied to him with a high level of sarcasm. One point Wendy’s!   

Who is Really Wasting Time?

There are varying degrees of Twitter roasts, and we regularly witness them. However, there are a few that are so good that they stick with us for a good amount of time. In this screenshot, there are two sides involved in the roast – MoonPie and @sigurbjornl.

Source: Buzzfeed 

The Twitter user responded to a previous MoonPie tweet, saying that the individual behind the account was wasting time doing that job. Unknown to @sigurbjornl, He couldn’t crush MoonPie’s spirit. The marshmallow sandwich made it clear who was wasting their time. 

GameStop Savagery

Speaking of high-degree roasts, this is one good example. GameStop was doing advertisements with picture content on their Facebook account. However, one user decided to stir up trouble. This user said that GameStop was using some illusion technique to make their product appear bigger.   


Unfortunately for this user, GameStop did not respond lightly to the comment – they came after the individual with much force. In GameStop’s reply, they made a harsh suggestion that burned hot – if you can understand their reply, you’ll see just how savage it was. 

Guess You Shouldn’t Mess With Microsoft 

Sometimes, you just can’t see a roast coming until it happens. Twitter user lucid billz said he needed a new squad to play bo3 with. Microsoft Store was friendly enough to ask if he had found a new squad. However, lucid billz wasn’t interested in replying nicely. 


The Twitter user commented that the Xbox wasn’t a good enough console. Microsoft responded to this comment with a severe burn. Lucid billz might not have seen that coming – or else he probably would have spoken differently if he knew.

Doritos Against Chester Cheetah

Chester Cheetah started a promising Twitter feud when it said that Doritos are only good when Cheetos have sold out. The brand on the receiving end of Chester Cheetah’s comment responded with a nice clap-back. 


However, before more engagements could ensue, one Twitter user came to crash the party. This individual, @NotDental, made it known in his tweet that the same company owned both brands. That comment quenched the roast fires that were already beginning to burn.

Wendy’s Roasts Hooters

Wendy’s came prepared on #NationalRoastDay, but Hooters didn’t. The winner is pretty clear in this brief Twitter exchange between both company accounts. Wendy’s set the bait by asking who wanted a roast, and Hooters fell for it. 


Hooters asked Wendy’s what they had, and Wendy’s kept their reply brief and straight to the point. They went for the uniforms that Hooters staff usually dress in, suggesting that the clothes are too skimpy to be worn in the cold. 

Come Again Murk?

Twitter user, Murk, expressed his opinion about visits to Walmart. He said that he likes going to Walmart for fun in a tweet. One would think that was a clear statement, but Walmart wanted to know more. They responded and asked him what specific things he enjoyed doing in their stores. 


Things could have continued normally in that conversation, but Murk said something surprising. The Twitter user responded by saying that his favorite thing to do in Walmart was stealing. That may be a false statement, but it’s definitely not what Walmart was expecting.      

An Unexpected Reply 

Like many internet burns, the company on the receiving end of this burn didn’t see it coming. A Twitter user named @geraldstratford posted a picture of himself gardening – specifically planting potatoes, and got a lot of engagement on the post. 


One of the accounts that engaged his post was the Specsavers company account. They asked him a question that one would expect them to have the answers to. Twitter user gerald stratford responded with a straightforward answer that sounded sarcastic. 

One Harsh Response 

It would really help if people could know how others would respond before they go through with making a post or comment. Stouffer’s would have avoided Chelsea Peretti’s harsh comment if they could read her mood at that moment – but they couldn’t.

Source: New to Money 

She had tweeted that she was in the mood to eat extensively. Stouffer’s asked if she’d like some mac and cheese as part of her menu. However, Chelsea’s reply to this question wasn’t warm. With brute force, she instantly stopped them in their tracks.

Twitter User Vs. ASOS 

Before giving advice, you need to be sure that you’re also following that advice. ASOS gave some good encouragement to its Twitter followers. Things would have been smooth after that, but ASOS itself had some issues that they should first fix. 

Source: New to Money 

ASOS had talked about how everyone gets the same daily hours as Beyonce. However, @jxeker had some criticism to give. He made it clear that ASOS also had the same daily hours to issue refunds, but they still couldn’t make refunds until two weeks after.

Fresh Chicken Sandwiches Anyone? 

Hot and fresh chicken sandwiches sound delicious. However, they were not well received in this case. Bojangles had gone on their Twitter to let Eater NY know that they’d be delivering tasty chicken sandwiches to them. However, they didn’t get any response in time.

Source: New to Money 

When the response eventually came, it wasn’t an expected one. This event happened during the pandemic, and Eater NY reminded Bojangles of the situation at hand. It’s fair to say that they quickly dismissed Bojangles’ offer without further thought. Awkward.

Love is Love 

To maximize their social media influence, it is common for companies to adopt different tactics that may not always be welcome by internet users. In this case, the exposed social media approach involves the use of personality-targeted ads by companies. 

Source: u/smashingyngman / Reddit 

These companies start supporting a targeted group of individuals whenever the general public shows their support for that group. However, the support of these companies’ brands only lasts for the period that benefits them. Once they’ve gotten what they need, they’ll fall back to silence. 

Why Put Yourself in Trouble?

This is an excellent example of when someone says something that eventually backfires. DiGiorno’s Twitter account asked for suggestions for a new slogan. AXE attacked them with a reply that suggested the company’s products were consumed only by them. 


Unknown to AXE, a Twitter user, Kristoffer Valukis, was watching. The Twitter user picked on AXE in his response. He used AXE’s own attack on DiGiorno against them. Now, it’s AXE that consumes its products all by itself because no one else is interested.  

Taco Bell Against Old Spice 

Once again, big brands are seen roasting each other on social media. The managers behind these accounts do an outstanding job giving the brands their own unique personalities. Old Spice suggests that fire sauce isn’t authentic in this battle of tweets because it’s not made with real fire. 

Source: New to 

Taco Bell responds to Old Spice’s tweet with a logical comment. They asked the brand if its products are made with actual old spices – since they expect fire sauce also to be made with real fire. We do not expect that Old Spice had much to say again after that clap-back. 

Sorry LinkedIn, Ask Again Later 

LinkedIn’s India account decided to check on its Twitter audience, but they didn’t anticipate what would come next. Those who are familiar with LinkedIn know that many accomplished people share stories of their success in an effort to inspire others. 

Source: New to Money / Instagram 

However, from @poonameh’s reply, we can tell that not everyone feels inspired by those inspirational posts. To some, these remarkable stories of success put them under pressure and subject them to stress. Poonam tells LinkedIn India that she stays motivated by avoiding the LinkedIn platform. 

McDonald’s Against Wendy’s 

If you compare McDonald’s global recognition to Wendy’s popularity, you’ll see that there’s a significant gap – McDonald’s is extremely more popular. However, this fact did not stop Wendy’s from roasting the global giant in this tweet. Risky move on their part!


McDonald’s posted a somehow incomprehensible tweet. Wendy’s took advantage of that tweet and compared it to the fact that several McDonald’s have broken ice cream machines. The most entertaining about this post is that Wendy’s comment really is the truth.  

Pets or The Environment?

Social media allows people to share their different thoughts and opinions. However, not every view or opinion is accepted by the majority. Vox went on Twitter to suggest reducing carbon footprints by cutting down the amount of dog and cat ownership. 

Source: and P.Kent / Shutterstock 

Some may have agreed with this idea, but you can imagine that majority didn’t. One Twitter user (@cuberti) replied to them with a sarcastic post. His reply suggests that the real causes of carbon pollution are clearly not dogs and cats. 

Photo Shoot Vs. Reality

Arby’s posted a picture of the new burger on their menu on Twitter and used the caption: “Welp. Guess the secret is out”. What they didn’t know was that Twitter user @soaresjdsoares was going to expose the real secret of their product.


The Twitter user had taken a real-life picture of the new Arby’s burger and compared it directly with the company’s photo of the burger. The difference between both pictures is surprising. Comparisons like this expose that companies will take the most attractive pictures of their products to make them appear much better than they are. 

That’s A Direct Hit!

Harsh social media clap-backs can be avoided if people and brands abstained from attacking certain posts and comments. In this case, Real Kraft Mayo had to learn the hard way. Dionne Warwick had posted a potential roast magnet on her Twitter, and the company’s Twitter account couldn’t resist. 

Source: @BrandsOwned / Twitter 

Real Kraft Mayo thought it had delivered an excellent response to Dionne’s tweet, but they’d just made a mistake. Dionne shunned them by saying she wasn’t even talking about them in the first place – she also went ahead to correct the name with how they addressed her. 

Super Burn 

Now, this post is a serious burn from a Twitter user. @liluziassistant was in no mood for foolishness or games. Arby’s posted a picture that suggested people’s moods whenever they’re asked to have dinner at their restaurant. Not one but three hearts there!


From @liluziassistant’s comment, one can say that the Twitter user thought very quickly. This brilliant individual searched for anyone that had mentioned dinner at Arby’s, but no results came up. From that search, it’s suggested that no one is interested in dinner at Arby’s.   

Spotify Vs. Twitter User

Twitter user joshua gave a shoutout to his door dash driver on Twitter. In an attempt to promote his music, the delivery man had attached his Spotify details to joshua’s order. Seeing this post on Twitter, Spotify decided to comment.

Source: u/Total_Dork / Reddit 

Spotify made it known that they thought Brendan Rush was a genius. However, another Twitter user had a different sentiment about Spotify’s post. @ryanfi7zgerald dissed Spotify badly by replying with a comment that suggested they didn’t pay their artists well.

Marvin the Lizard Vs. 7-ELEVEn

This particular one is funny. It’s not every day that you’ll see a lizard sitting next to a coffee maker. Kristen Arnett, a Twitter user, was lucky to experience this. She had been at 7-eleven one morning when she saw something unusual. 

Source: New to Money / Instagram 

There was a lizard, Marvin, casually sitting next to the coffee maker. It may have surprised her, but the cashier seemed familiar with this reptile. 7-eleven responded with a tweet wanting to know where Marvin was, but Kristen didn’t give up its location. 

We Remember

Companies keep getting roasted online for various reasons. On this particular day, BP oil was singled out and quickly burned. The company had set itself up for this roasting when it tweeted about carbon footprints. Situations like this are inspired by irony.  

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned 

Andrew Henderson, a Twitter user, saw BP oil’s post. He decided to dredge up some unpleasant facts about the company. As if he had used the company’s new carbon footprint calculator, he pledged not to spill large amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico – which is precisely what BP oil had done. 

Do You Deserve This Dr Pepper?

By taking advantage of significant societal issues, companies can draw attention to their brands – which is what Dr Pepper attempted with this tweet. In present times, there’s a housing crisis that’s affecting many people. Dr Pepper thought it could take advantage of the crisis. 

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned 

Some people may have found this tweet funny and relatable. However, this tweet may not have been pleasant to others. The housing crisis is a serious situation that many wish they weren’t experiencing. Dr Pepper’s tweet may have been perceived as being insensitive. 

A Confession From MoonPie

The social media managers at MoonPie have mastered the art of social media engagement with internet users. Because of how well they do their job, it’s easy for people to connect with their brand. If you follow them, you’ll be able to testify to their excellent social media presence. 

Source: New to Money 

In this tweet, MoonPie confessed why company accounts engage each other so much on Twitter. They stated their lack of real-life friends as the reason for these frequent online engagements. Whether you believe this or not, they’ve expressed their reason.

Walmart Burns Itself

Most times, blows are delivered by the opposing party. However, in this tweet, Walmart managed to deliver a considerable blow to itself. If the social media manager had just taken a little time to check through the tweet before posting it, this self-roast wouldn’t have happened. 

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned 

Walmart was actually trying to do a good thing, but it didn’t go well. In an attempt to praise some employees, the Walmart Twitter account forgot to put their names in the post. They just copied a template that said “associate’s name” and posted it like that. 

What Did You Do, Petco?

Looking at this tweet by Mercedez, one can only wonder how Petco could have done this. They gave the poor dog in the picture posted by Mercedez a terrible haircut. Most of the hair on its body was shaved off, while its face and tail hairs were left fully grown. 


We don’t know what Petco’s staff were going for, but it doesn’t look good. Petco tried to fix the situation by asking Mercedez for the store location and a private message. However, another Twitter user stepped in and questioned Petco’s further plans for the dog.

A Shocking Tweet

Some tweets can indeed be disturbing. @rad_milk, a Twitter user, tagged AmericanAir in a post that talked about some rowdy shirtless man disrupting a pleasant flight. Seeing this tweet, AmericanAir expressed their concern and asked @rad_milk for more details about the situation.

Source: deMilked 

What came next must have shocked the company. The Twitter user disclosed that he was the shirtless man in the previous tweet. However, he hadn’t boarded the flight yet – he would take off his shirt and update the company once he started disrupting that flight. 

No Need to Worry Amazon

One Twitter user tweeted about his Amazon Prime driver puking outside his driveway. The Twitter user didn’t really seem offended by what had happened. However, Amazon Help still wished to get involved. It made sense for them to offer assistance since their employee puked. 

Source: deMilked 

Amazon Help asked the Twitter user for further details about what had happened. They also said that a specialist would reach out to the Twitter user. However, this particular individual wasn’t willing to give up further information about the Amazon Prime employee that had puked earlier. 

SpaceX Vs. Falcon

Not all interesting engagements on company social media accounts are roasts/clap-backs. This time around, we have an avian visitor in a SpaceX launch. The bird, a falcon, got curious and blocked the view of people streaming a live SpaceX launch on YouTube.

Source: deMilked 

Although YouTube streamers may have missed scenes of the SpaceX launch, it was still a cute moment. It would have helped if the bird was also interested in watching the launch, but it seemed more interested in looking into the camera. 

She’s Not a Snitch

It’s not every day that a delivery guy asks you for a 1-star rating. However, one Twitter user was asked for a 1-star rating on this particular day. The Zomato delivery guy’s reason for that request was amusing. He said they’d been sending him to distant locations because his ratings were too good. 

Source: New to Money 

Seeing this tweet, the Zomato care team responded with the hope of fixing things. They asked this Twitter user to share their contact privately. Before the Twitter user could answer, another person stepped in and declared that she wasn’t a snitch.  

Be Specific McDonald’s

McDonald’s went on their Twitter account to tease the arrival of some new product or upgrade – it wasn’t specified. The tweet only gave details of when they would unveil this surprise. Some of their customers must have been excited about this news, but others said something else.

Source: BrandsOwned

@TheBlueGem3, a Twitter user, came for McDonald’s in a rather unexpected way. She asked them if their coming surprise was a paying wage that all their employees could live off? That response changed the entire direction that McDonald’s was initially trying to go in.    

An Impressive Presentation Topic

Sam yaoi tweeted that he had just completed two papers and a PowerPoint presentation at a go. Thinking about it, you’d realize that what he said was truly impressive – and that’s exactly how Microsoft Office felt. The company account expressed its awe in a reply. 

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned

Microsoft Office also went ahead to ask for the topic of sam yaoi’s presentation. The answer that he gave was unexpected. He called Microsoft Office out for pretending to be friendly and relatable in an attempt to maximize a marketing tactic.

12-Pack Bud Light For You

Bud Light set itself up nicely for a hot roast. Damian Lillard tweeted that he needed a Sunday ticket login from anyone willing to share theirs. Seeing this tweet, Bud Light felt they could help him. They promised a 12-pack to anyone that gave Lillard what he needed. 

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned

What Bud Light did was a friendly gesture, but it landed them in hot water. @FrankNights, a Twitter user, saw the comment and came for Bud Light. He made the company understand that nobody wants a Bud Light 12-pack – Ouch! That must’ve hurt.     

McDonald’s Takes Some Heat

In this chain of tweets between a few companies, McDonald’s was the one that managed to get roasted. After Facebook stopped working, Twitter was quick to shade the platform by tweeting, “hello, literally everyone.” Whatsapp joined Twitter by also tweeting hello. 

Source: Twitter@BrandsOwned

McDonald’s tried to join the fun and made a comment. Things would have gone smoothly for them if it hadn’t been for Relebogile M’s comment. The Twitter user called McDonald’s out for always having insufficient ice cream machines that needed fixing. 

Subway Goes to McDonald’s

@eiavolo, a Twitter user, asked to take Subway out on a date. This request came after the Subway Twitter account had tweeted about getting a whole footlong sandwich for only half the price. The kind request from ilias was received warmly by Subway.

Source: New to Money / Instagram

They didn’t know that the Twitter user was about to troll them. Innocently, Subway asked ilias where he planned to take them for the date. The Twitter user responded by saying the date was set to happen at McDonald’s. We can feel that burn.

Benpool Vs. Wendy’s

If you know about Wendy’s square patties, you’ll relate well to this Twitter conversation between Benpool and Wendy’s. Benpool questioned Wendy’s about its decision to make square patties – we guess Benpool found this product to be odd in shape.

Source: @wendys / Twitter

Wendy’s gave a witty reply that would have been beautiful if not for a little grammatical blunder. The Wendy’s Twitter account spelled “it’s” incorrectly. Benpool saw this opening and quickly attacked. He instantly called Wendy’s out for its poor spelling. 

Sorry Microsoft, But It’s True

How likely are you to recommend Windows 10 to a friend or colleague? That’s a question that Windows asked a user. The user was given a scale from 1 to 10 to rate his likelihood of recommending the Windows 10 product. He chose 1. 

Source: u/BlackShadow153 / Reddit

The answer that this user chose meant that he wasn’t likely at all to recommend Windows 10 to a friend or colleague. He also gave his feedback– which was that people don’t usually recommend operating systems to each other in normal conversations.

Didn’t See That Coming

Real Kraft Mayo started a promo challenge on its Twitter account. It promised Mayo jars for winners of the challenge – For a chance to win, the Twitter user will have to tweet some hashtags for a particular number of days. The challenge was supposed to be a solution for relationships with Mayo problems. 

Source: New to Money / Instagram

However, @BlueGoddessTrue made it clear that not all relationship problems are caused by Mayo. She stated her husband’s infidelity as the core of their relationship problem – a little serious, isn’t it? Real Kraft Mayo didn’t see that coming and couldn’t offer a helpful solution. 

The Guardian Goes After Shrek

Shrek was a massive children’s movie when it got released. The film gave a lot of joy to children across the world. So why are we reading this negative tweet from the Guardian? They’ve said that the movie is “not funny” and “overrated”.  

Source: Twitter/ BrandsOwned     YouTube/ M0vie

Thinking about it, that sounds quite unfair. This sentiment was shared by many users that read the tweet. One Twitter account responded intelligently to the Guardian’s post. He branded the company as one that intentionally starts false online feuds for their selfish interest.