Picturesque Tourist Spots That Turned Out To Not Be So Picture Perfect After All

By Aileen D

Life in this day and age seems unbearable without being able to take a trip or two out of town. Before all the travel restrictions, and depending on your preference, you could book a flight somewhere exotic, hike towards the mountaintops, ride a cable train, and gaze at the Alpine snow below. Say, how did you satisfy your wanderlust? These people had saved a few thousand dollars, taken a couple of weeks off work, packed their bags, and headed to the airport. They had envisioned postcard picturesque sights to greet them, but unfortunately, that’s not always the case. But whether it be the work of the gods or poor planning, they all managed to head home with these pictures in tow. Would it have been better if they deleted these shots altogether?

An Engineering Wonder

What’s so special about the Golden Gate Bridge? For one, it was considered an engineering wonder. It had been the longest suspension bridge right around the First World War. During construction, an earthquake struck the area. Builders had no choice but to hold on tightly to cables and to steel. There was simply no way down. Stories like this made this guy want to see the suspension bridge for himself.

Image Courtesy of

Naturally, the view from the Golden Gate Bridge is exhilarating. Cars traveling past the bridge gain a view overlooking the ocean. You can even head down to the Marin Headlands Vista Point. Despite the views he could have witnessed, bad weather and thick fog did not afford this guy the same breathtaking sight.

More Than Most

Once again, we have got someone complaining about the Golden Gate Bridge. Reddit user Dankious_Memious had traveled down to San Francisco to test the gate’s suspension. He had heard that the view overlooking the Pacific was breathtaking. But he held his breath in disappointment at what the day had offered.

Image Courtesy of Dankious _ Memious / Reddit

There hadn’t even been a glimmer of sunshine as he passed the bridge. The only glint had come from the car’s fog lights. He would reach for the coffee mug every now and then, wondering why it had grown more bitter with every sip. Having been told that he had seen “more than most” hadn’t helped one bit.

Still Under Reformation

It had been more than 500 years ago when Martin Luther brought his Theses and then tacked it unto the castle church door. It had been the university’s post-it board. And everyone was shaken by the controversial post from the reformist.

Image courtesy of trowj / Reddit

Reddit user trowj wanted to see the Door on which Martin Luther tacked the 95 Theses. Would he see holes where the nail had gone through, or would his fingers feel the coarse edges where the paper had once been glued? He was never able to. When he visited the site, the door was under restoration.

Taking the Golden Round Trip

So many people would kill for a trip to Pilatus. Locals suggest that you get there via two routes: a cogwheel train or a cable car. Reddit user hyzerhuck1989 definitely felt like feeling the rush of hair flowing past his face. So he took the cable car.

Image courtesy of hyzerhuck 1989 / Reddit

It would have made anyone’s stomach drop. But the only reason Reddit user hyzerhuck1989 felt the same was because he had been sorely disappointed at the clouds blocking the view. Not even the cruise back to Lucerne could placate his feelings. It’s not like he could cancel the reservation. To do that, he would have to cancel at least a day in advance to receive the full refund.

Knows Her Angles

It’s a given that our parents grew up having their films developed. They didn’t know if the shots they had taken were on point! So it shouldn’t come as a surprise why they struggle to take Insta-worthy shots of tourist spots. Take this mum, who had failed to capture the vast view of Mt. Rushmore.

Image Courtesy of Zimble Goat / Reddit

Reddit user Zimble Goat had been very excited to look at the pictures. But as soon as mum took the shot, they hurriedly moved to the next best spot at Mt. Rushmore. He hadn’t been able to view the pictures until much later when they were on the 9-hour ride back home.

The Militiamen

Having a taste for fine art, Reddit user Chrisrandy416 traveled to Rijksmuseum to see a group of militiamen preparing themselves for a fight. He knew that these men would snuff out riots and defend the city if called upon. But the only person provoked to attack had been Chrisrandy416 himself. How come? He had chanced upon this!

Image Courtesy of ChrisRandy 416 / Reddit

He had been told that the artist exquisitely and powerfully captured a moment in the painting. Some parts of the work were threshed in minute detail, whereas other parts of it had been dabbed with thick paint. Wanting to see it for himself, he had flown over 6000 kilometers to visit the Rembrandt painting. But he could never tell which was fact from fiction.

The More, The Bitter

It’s a feat to see a large-scale mountain sculpture of America’s four founding fathers. How had ordinary men been able to sculpt every curve, angle, and strand to the finest detail? Reddit user parkourgamer went to Mt. Rushmore to see the marvel for himself.

Image courtesy of park our gamer / Reddit

But the only faces he had seen were those of other sullen tourists. At least he wasn’t alone, thinking the day had gone to waste. But as more people came to the site, the more bitter their sentiment grew. Parkourgamer hurriedly asked a friend to take a shot of him, then bid everyone sayonara. It’s not like complaining would make things better.

When the gods Love You

Normally, the gods love to play tricks on people. Back in 79 CE, they had stoked the fires of Mt. Vesuvius until it gushed hissing magma and steam. Pompeii was only one of many cities buried under ashes and lava flow. Now, it seems that the gods have taken a liking to Reddit user marcSuile and his girlfriend.

Image Courtesy of marcSuile / Reddit

The two had wanted to see the vineyards and orchards around the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius. Even Christ would have shed a tear at the exquisite taste of wine grown there. But to keep these two from wandering near the slope of Mount Somma, the gods made sure that the day was cloudy and grim and that the entrance to the volcano’s mouth would be hidden.

Not-So-Great Wall of China

You may not know it, but the Chinese are proud people. They once referred to non-Chinese as barbarians and would look down on them. Anyone beyond the great wall was unworthy of respect. Can’t say we blame them. The Mongols, and Xiongnus kept on raiding the Chinese kingdom.

Image courtesy of zgroh 96 / Reddit

Inspired by folklore and history, this woman set her sights on the Great Wall of China. She had been unsure about walking the whole length of the Wall. That was roughly 4,000 miles! And it would take anyone about 10 months to complete. So the wall cast the dice for her.

Echo, Echo

If there is something you can hear at a visit to the Grand Canyon, it’s the oohs and aahs of people staring at the copper-colored rocks and cliffs. In between, you will hear the faint sound of camera shutters as people pose for the camera. But today, you wouldn’t hear any of that. Today, all you will hear are echoes, echoes, echoes.

Image Courtesy of Loud Music / Reddit

Kids are told to stay away from the rails. There wasn’t much to see anyway. But they wriggle from their parents’ grasp and then run towards the posts. They scream at the dense fog before them, willing it to dissipate. Is anybody there? Hello! With every syllable, the Grand Canyons return a reply. Is anybody there? Hello!

Gone Bankrupt

Reddit user aneminemfan wanted to conduct some research. He had wanted to find out why some companies thrived under hostile conditions, whereas others didn’t. What had been the subject of his focus? The Glacier 3000 Région Les Diablerets-Gstaad S.A. It owned and operated cable cars and ski lifts in Western Switzerland.

Image courtesy of aneminemfan / Reddit

He didn’t need to be told why the company had gone bankrupt. Not even the best engineering feats could beat mother nature even if they wanted to. Fortunately, it had been bought by the Glacier 3000, and you could still enjoy an amazing Coaster Ride if the weather would let you.

Wing it Like the Romans Do

To avoid the crowds, this couple booked a trip to the Grand Canyons at an unlikely time of the year. They were met with a handful of people and a thicket of fog. So that’s why everything was nearly half the price. But they hadn’t counted on getting half-a-view of the Grand Canyons too.

Image Courtesy of jeeeresjohnny 123 / Reddit

That is probably why you would want to do things exactly as the other tourists do. Dine and eat in places where they frequent because they had most likely seen high reviews in these sought-out restaurants. Book a trip to the tourist destination in early August, and it will look like a page straight out of a Cowboy movie.

Off to St. Stephen’s Tower

This tourist hadn’t known that the clock tower he wanted to visit was under construction. He arrived at Westminster, London, a couple of months too late. It’s such a shame that Big Ben hadn’t been able to tell the right time to visit. We’re guessing he wasn’t the only tourist who had been largely disappointed by this scaffolding.

Image Courtesy of Yes to Privacy / Reddit

Big Ben ought to have been fully rehabilitated sometime last year. But owing to the pandemic, the restoration process might extend well into the first or second quarter of 2021. Tourists can’t wait for this pandemic to blow over and for the unveiling of the clock tower. It is said that the clocks chime so loud that it’s louder than a jet taking off!

The New Faces at Mt. Rushmore

Whose faces appear on Mt. Rushmore? Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Reddit user ais4aron and his dad. We know. What had these two men done in history to land a place on granite? All they had done was to travel to the place.

Image Courtesy of ais4aron / Reddit

They had asked someone to take a picture of them. Would you mind taking a shot of us? That person politely nodded and then positioned himself a couple of meters away from ais4aron. Guess he hadn’t liked being asked a favor. He botched the angle from which the shot was taken, leaving two famous faces out of the photo.

Making it Worthwhile

Reddit user newcrystalgem has a tendency to live life on the edge. That’s what had attracted her to the Grand Canyon in the first place. There’s nothing like the dizzying heights to remind you that every day you’re dealing with risks and that you’re winning against uncertainties. Can’t say she had won this round, though.

Image Courtesy of New Crystal Gem / Reddit

She had been told the Grand Canyon would look like a kindergartner’s sandbox. There are all sorts of colors that intrigue and beguile. You wouldn’t even know that there were that many hues of orange and red. Sadly, she can only make out the color grey for the whole duration of the trip!

From the Grave

It’s called the Eagle’s Nest, located in Berchtesgaden, Germany. It had been a birthday present to the 50-year old Nazi Party leader. It sits 6000 feet high, and it affords a beautiful view of the Obersalzberg mountains. It may not look like it, but the steep road towards it was an engineering feat.

Image Courtesy of the – englishman / Reddit

Did we get your hopes up? That had been the same sentiment Reddit user the- englishman felt when he went on a 6-hour coach journey to the place. Unfortunately, the Fuhrer extends his traitorous regards even from the grave. He greeted this englishman with only gray clouds.

Where Did They Take It?

It seems like more and more women are disappointed with how minuscule Big Ben really is. They had traveled thousands of miles, filled themselves with many cups of caffeine, and coped with jet lag, only to see this scaffold. It was said that Big Ben would remain this way until 2020.

Image courtesy of E _ AD / Reddit

Up to now, the restoration hasn’t been finished, delayed along with everything else due to the virus. Not to worry, London is bristling with red phone booths, Buckingham palace, breathtaking parks, and national galleries and restaurants to awe the senses. So disappointed tourists can always visit other top attractions.

Just Passing Through

Reddit user peachyypit didn’t know what had gotten into her. She just felt like taking her keys, revving the car, and then driving somewhere. It might have been a call for a break or a call for nationalism. Whatever it was, she felt like she had to visit Mt. Rushmore.

Image Courtesy of peachyy Pit / Reddit

The good news is that she only drove for three hours. The bad news was that none of the presidents thought about showing their faces. Might it be because they were having a bad hair day? It was windy and cold up top. It would have been unsightly for a president to show himself unkempt.

When Your Life Flashes Before You

Why is Mt. Fuji so darn famous? For starters, it is the tallest mountain in Japan. Second, Shinto shrines line the mountain. It’s a cultural mirror of Japan’s indigenous faith. Lastly, it’s an active volcano. Its last eruption had been nearly 300 years ago.

Image Courtesy of Brun Hilda1 / Reddit

Just imagine what would happen if Mount Fuji were to erupt in this day. It’s an active threat to over 9 million people in Tokyo, Japan, and it would set the most populous city back by decades. Fortunately, Reddit user brunhilda1 didn’t have to worry about the volcano erupting during her stay. This is her best picture of the place. Can’t see why she’s complaining. It’s better to have this than a melted Kodak film.

Disappointed in Life

Young people have a zest for life. They’re willing to try out novelties, travel to far-off destinations, and they usually have high expectations of the world. Take Reddit user lapinatanegra. Most of us would be sprinting away from active volcanoes, but he had been ecstatic to see one up close.

Image Courtesy of lapinatanegra / Reddit

He booked a trip to Mt. Fuji – all-expense-paid and planned. With passport and map in tow, he walked on foot. Where could he eat? What was so special about this volcano? And how many times can he ride the dizzying rollercoaster in Fuji-Q Highland? His expectations were unmet, and he had left the next day disappointed in life.

Sick of All the Debris

Bet, you will love this one. This man had gotten a different angle of the four U.S. Presidents on Mt. Rushmore. It’s pretty breathtaking once you get the hang of it. How come? You might hold your breath for hours on end, waiting for the fog to clear up.

Image Courtesy of Everyone Loves Ray / Reddit

By then, you still won’t see an inkling of America’s greatest presidents. All that is left are debris and jagged rocks at the base of Mt. Rushmore. One to make fun of the situation, Reddit user everyonelovesray said, here is the spectacle that is Mount Rushmore.

Mt. Laid-to-Rest

If you’re the ambitious type, you might have dreamed of taking a trek to Mount Everest. After all, it’s Earth’s highest mountain above sea level. It is covered in blinding white snow, gusted by unforgiving winds, and ridden with over 200 unfortunatel souls who perished there trying to reach the summit.

Image courtesy of an kitkrofficial / reddit

Drawn by intrigue or pride, Reddit user kitkrofficial went to view Mt. Everest from a peak in Nepal. He wasn’t granted access. The Goddess of the Valley might have deemed him unworthy to view it. You need to take a hike – roughly 29,035 feet high. So get to prepping, mister.

Going Rock Mountain Hiking

There is nothing like the great outdoors. An hour-long hike can do wonders for your heart and joints. Not to mention, the sights can quash your stress. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the highest summit in North America – the Quandary Peak, just as thefoodieat had.

Image Courtesy of The Foodie Eat / Reddit

A hike to the top doesn’t require driving over mountain passes. All you need is enough stamina and endurance to reach the top and overcome any disappointment you may have of the view. Of course, you should walk the trail only during spring, but thefoodieat hadn’t known that.

Blue Beauty, They Said

Known for being the deepest lake in the USA, Crater Lake has awed so many tourists. Its sky blue water is sourced from water and rain exclusively. So you might feel tempted to rush in and bathe – after all, it’s a bath for the gods. But tourists are only allowed to swim in designated areas. You might find the others too cold to swim in.

Image courtesy of [unknown] / Reddit

After hearing that Crater Lakes’ water is a deep, gorgeous shade of blue, this Reddit user immediately took it upon himself to travel there during his leave. He had been met, however, with this cold and uninspiring expanse. Unfortunately, fog and snow can extend well up to May and June in this part of America.

Mileage Points

It takes roughly three to six hours to hike Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka. You will be met by the uncanny accents of locals, the bleat of sheep, and the earthen smell of food from huts. The summit is named after the biblical Adam, who had just taken his first step outside the garden of Eve.

Image Courtesy of here for the comments1 / Reddit

Now, the mountain isn’t that hard to climb. It’s relatively easy, and the steep steps can be managed, as many Sri Lankans and foreigners had. But it’s hard to manage one’s expectations after having flown 9000 miles to see this legendary sunrise. Even we find this an underwhelming welcoming from God.

Shady Water

Reddit User silentpear had been asked an unusual question. Why is the Golden Gate Bridge red? He spent a couple of seconds wondering if it had been a trick question. Wasn’t it golden? So he took a trip to San Francisco, California, with USD 10 in hand (for the toll rate, of course).

Image courtey of Silent Pear / Reddit

And While traveling through the suspension bridge, he had realized that it had actually been reddish-orange. Its art-deco styling enabled drivers to see in zero visibility. Fortunately, silent pear had been able to put the red lead primer to the test. But he hadn’t been too happy about seeing fog during the visit.

Tough Break

If you hear that someone is a Texan, you might imagine that they had seen nothing but dust storms and tumbleweeds. All their life, they might have felt only sweltering heat as they shade themselves with their cowboy hats. Well, some part of it had been true. This proud Texan was eager to bathe in the ocean and feel the waves lap at her feet.

Image Courtesy of nutty jumper / Reddit

Sunny California thought that she would fare better with rain. After all, she had been exposed to Texan temperatures all year-round. Why not give her a change of pace? Nuttyjumper hadn’t been happy. She regretted having come the one week out of the year that it actually rains.

Sleeping Beauty is…well, Sleeping

Someone wanted to pay a visit to Princess Aurora. It is said that a witch had cast a spell on the princess and that she was doomed to sleep for eternity. The only way to break the curse was true love’s kiss. That got hurleyferk practicing his smooches and flying over 10 hours to Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany.

Image Courtesy of Hurley Ferk / Reddit

He had been so nervous. Isn’t this the stuff of Disney movies – kissing a Sleeping Beauty who was locked in the high tower and then breaking the curse? Unfortunately, the castle refused access. As it turns out, Princess Aurora is…well, sleeping. She mustn’t be disturbed from eternal sleep. That’s enough to make anyone go crazy like the Mad King Ludwig.

Fog-ging Hell!

For the most part, these travels have been ruined by rain, fog, or smoke. This one hadn’t been any different. Reddit user scuffery had set the alarm early in the morning. And he hadn’t snoozed like he usually did. You could tell he was that excited to finish the four-and-a-half-hour hike. But that excitement quickly waned.

Image Courtesy of [unknown] / Reddit

To be fair, it doesn’t look as bad as some of the other pictures. You could still make out the trees in the distance and how far up you had climbed. On a sunny day, this view might be blinding to the eyes. But scuffery was afforded a warm view of it in cold weather.

Is This Even The Same Place?

Machu Picchu is most famous for being a symbol of the Incan Empire. Behind the intrigue, shock, and suspense of what occured there, Machu Picchu was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The hike to the site is estimated to reach 7,000 feet above sea level.

Image Courtesy of ranzprinzessin / Reddit

Machu Picchu remained hidden for 500 years, much like the still hidden and unproven lost cities of El Dorado and Atlantis. It seems like it had once again hidden itself from the world to the dismay of Reddit user ranzprinzessin. It’s a shame she hadn’t been able to see how the Incans cut their stone and built the city with it. At least, she saw this llama.

Once In A Lifetime Event

Travel and tour companies really ought to only schedule trips during the best times of the year. When one had offered a trip to the Grand Canyon at a discounted price, MrFiendish quickly grabbed the opportunity. It hadn’t ended well. Once in a lifetime event, they said.

Image Courtesy of Mr Fiendish / REddit

If any, requesting the services of that travel company would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. He crumpled the itinerary and shoved it in his pocket. He had hoped no one would see him seething. The fog attended to that. But it hadn’t cooled him down one bit on the trip back home.

Mount WasteMore

Found in South Dakota, Mount Rushmore features four gigantic faces of America’s Presidents – Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. It is a controversial site as much as it is historic. This man and his family wanted to see the monument up close and personal.

Image Courtesy of no to marko / Reddit

Whoever had named it, Rushmore ought to have called it Wastemore. They had driven one and a half days to South Dakota only to waste their time making nothing of the fog. It might be better for these guys to visit again once the weather conditions are more favorable.

Lots of Stops

Wanting to cut costs, this Reddit user booked a trip for two months in advance to Mt. Fuji, Japan. He hadn’t used the services of a travel company. He had done his own research and was confident in his abilities to navigate the island of Honshu.

Image Courtesy of Xavier 9404 / / Reddit

Fast forward, he and his daughter had stepped off the wrong stop. They missed the return train and decided to wade to Mt. Fuji. It seemed like a more enjoyable vacation that way. And he hadn’t been disappointed with the view afforded from the seashore.

Mount Rains Here

If you visit National Park Washington’s website, you will see detailed info about Mount Rainier. The active volcano is covered in white sheet ice, and just below it is enclosed by wildflower meadows. Others may be discouraged by its glacial cover, but tourists view winter as an opportunity for exploration.

Image Courtesy of Ally Be Around / Reddit

One of those tourists was Reddit user allybearound. She was certain she could find many things to do there – researching owls, exploring subalpine meadows, viewing the backcountry, or skiing the mountain. But instead of winter, she had been met with rain and fog. You can only do so much with that kind of weather.

Business As Usual

Located in Trafalgar Square, Westminster, the National Gallery houses Botticelli’s Venus and Mars, Raphael’s The Madonna of the Pinks, and Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. It prides itself on being Great Britain’s keeper of European paintings. So naturally, Julija Neje came for a visit.

Image Courtesy of Julija Neje / Bored Panda

She had been sorely disappointed. Although the National Gallery allows free access, it had loaned Van Gogh’s Sunflower to another exhibition. If she had wanted to view it up close, she would have to pay $25 dollars upfront. Well, it’s business as usual for the National Gallery in London.

Worth Every Penny

This Reddit user felt like he deserved better benefits from the company. A couple of negotiations later, he was granted paid leave. But management made sure to tell him they hated his guts. He was booked an off-season trip to Mt. Fuji. Anyone would have found this a buzzkill, but he thought his paid leave was worth every penny.

Image Courtesy of buzzkill light year / Reddit

If it weren’t for the picture above, we wouldn’t have made the hills out in the distance for Mt. Fuji. It bears little semblance of an active volcano (not that we had ever been in one), and nothing about it would have given away the topography of Honshu Island. Can’t management give him another paid leave?

Turning Japanese

You can expect Japanese culture to be as rich and vivid as the designs on their kimono. Every design had been crafted by tradesmen whose skills were honed throughout their lifetime. They are detail-oriented and humble. So when this man spent a couple of months there, he found himself turning Japanese.

Image Courtesy of 08 01 013 / Reddit

Once, he had visited Mt. Fuji, AKA Fujisan, the perfectly shaped volcano. On sunny days, you could view it from Tokyo and Yokohama. But on dreary days such as this, you wouldn’t even be able to make much of the hiking trail. Not to worry, this is common amongst travelers. You would actually be one of the lucky few if you saw a clear view of Fujisan.

The View is Spectacular

Like us, these folks were absolutely thrilled with the idea of visiting a tourist site for the first time. They planned beforehand, got to packing some food, and then traveled a couple of hours to South Dakota. Reddit user Honeybadgeswag and her family agreed – the view was spectacular!

Image courtesy of Honey Badge Swag / Reddit

Honeybadgeswag had been able to take a beautiful shot of her parents. She adjusts the camera’s lens and clicks the shutter. Then she gives a thumbs up and tells them they looked spectacular. Darn right, they are. And their celebrity looks would make up for the absent faces of four US presidents.

The New Wall

It had been built and rebuilt for several purposes. The Great Wall was meant to keep raiders out of the kingdom, resist invasions, and aid tourism. Until now, this magnificent feat boosts Chinese tourism by drawing foreigners such as Reddit user sharkfarts to this world wonder.

Image Courtesy of Shark Farts / Reddit

She had booked in advance and prepped herself for a 13-hour flight. When she had arrived there, the only wall she could see was one made of fog. Guess the only silver lining to this is that she had the world wonder to herself. On most days, tourists can hardly make their way past the steps.

What’s So Grand About It

Reddit user khimuljame wanted to visit every local tourist destination before traveling abroad. The next one on his list was the Grand Canyon. He was sick to death about hearing of people’s amazing experiences there, and he wanted to see the spectacle for himself. So he determinedly took a trip to the towering cliff.

Image Courtesy of kimuljhame / Reddit

He may not have the same illustrious story as his friends have of the place. But at least, he has one that’s worth remembering. Instead of telling folks about the place’s colorful rock layers, he gets to tell them about the icy patch of snow that lined the cliffs. At least, he didn’t have to worry about getting heat stroke during the hike.

Beautiful Inside and Out

It is hailed as one of Gaudi’s great masterpieces. The Casa Batlló is found in Barcelona, Spain, and it reminds locals of a living creature. After all, that’s what he had taken inspiration in. Gaudi had drawn and designed with the physical layers of an animal in mind. Bones, vessels, and muscle – it was a living and breathing dragon.

Image Courtesy of KarmaCollider / Reddit

Much like any work of art, this building demands repair. That had been what Reddit user KarmaCollider encountered when he visited Spain. What a shame, he thought. But not to worry, there were other buildings around Barcelona with this style. So those other works of art had been able to breathe life into him.

Cannot SeeU

Unlike most of the campers, it’s clear that Reddit user iBoy21 is unhappy about his hike. It had taken him over four days to see the Machu Picchu. But once he had gotten there, all he had seen was this. There weren’t even any llamas around to brighten his day.

Image Courtesy of iBoy21 / Reddit

If it weren’t for the Machu Picchu, this man wouldn’t have believed the Incan Empire existed. It’s like the ancient city had shut itself out from civilization once again. Inclement weather may not cause Machu Picchu to fall to ruin, but it will surely ruin anyone’s day.

Finding A Horcrux

One question on everyone’s minds is, are the Cliffs of Moher dangerous? You bet your life it is. That is why tourist guides sternly remind everyone to stick to the official trail and check the weather before walking. Keep that in mind before entering the cave to find a Horcrux.

Image Courtesy of The Greatest_ Mate / Reddit

You might not know it, but this had been a filming location for one of the scenes in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. Harry and Dumbledore whisked themselves on the shore of these cliffs. Reddit user The_Greatest_Mate tried to do the same, but he hadn’t been able to replicate the spell properly. If anything, all he was able to accomplish was to conjure up a thick fog.

Hidden Once Again

If there’s one thing to cross off people’s bucket lists, it’s a visit to Machu Picchu. And by crossing it off, we mean canceling the trip! The climb is very steep, taking you one and a half to four hours to finish. If that doesn’t leave you breathless, the high altitude will.

Image Courtesy of JSlasha 88 / Reddit

So you can only imagine this man’s dismay (although it may not look like it) when he had been met with clouds after four days of trekking. He had been hopeful that weather up top would be more suited for taking pictures. But the clouds refused to leave this guest to himself.

Killer Mountain

It may not have bagged the award for the world’s highest mountain, but it has claimed the lives of over 60 people. Dubbed as the killer mountain, Manaslu towers over the pine forests of Nepal’s river valley. Tourists are advised to check the weather advisories before taking a hike.

Image Courtesy of snek farm / Reddit

Why had there been many fatalities? For one, the weather is so unpredictable up top. It is covered by snow for most parts of the year. Reddit user snekfarm could testify. He says he had taken a three-week trek around it, but there had only been this single occasion where the sun pierced through the veiled clouds.