Man Scares His Wife By Photoshopping Their Baby Into Life-Threatening Situations, Goes Viral

By Ruby M

Kenny Deuss is making jaws drop everywhere with photographs he shares of his kids. What began as a joke has attracted thousands of followers who love the eye-popping pictures of his “daily activities” with his kids. 

Courtesy of: @onadventureswithdad/ Instagram

In case you need any confirmation—yes, these photographs of kids doing seemingly dangerous things are photoshopped. Aptly captioned with a humorous “When mom wants a photo to see if the baby is ok,” the Instagram collection of hilariously, terrifyingly realistic pictures can be found on @onadventurewithdad’s profile.

According to Kenny, it all began when he was alone with the baby and kept being pestered by his girlfriend about the child’s whereabouts. In order to lighten the mood and also mess with his already worrying partner, Kenny got to work on doing what he does best—photoshop. The internet and all 465k of the man’s followers are loving his content—and so are we!

Courtesy of: @onadventureswithdad/ Instagram

According to Kenny, most of the inspiration for the photos comes from day-to-day life experiences. After finding the inspo, it’s just a matter of getting the right photoshoot location.

Courtesy of: @onadventureswithdad/ Instagram

Kenny is a self-taught photoshopper who began learning when he was 15. He never really looked at tutorials and instead preferred to learn through trial and error. Eventually, he did need to formally relearn some more advanced techniques.