Teachers Share The Amusing Answers That Kids Wrote On Tests
Kids are a lot of work—from diapers to hungry 2 AM cries to messy school bags and runny noses—but kids are also wonderful and hilarious. Their innocent, curious little minds have them saying whatever it is that they are thinking, and it doesn’t stop there. Teachers everywhere have been cracking up at the hilarious things that kids have come up with as test answers, and they have gracefully shared these funny test answers for the world to enjoy.
Some answers were just plain childish, but what else can be expected from an actual child? Younger kids don’t really understand that grades are important and that tests must be taken seriously—and sometimes, they really think that their answers are correct:
Some answers had us wondering what on earth was going on in these kids’ heads when they wrote their answers down, and more importantly, what on earth was going on at home, or on the television:
Out of all the hilarious test answers on this list, this one takes the cake. It’s less of an answer and more of the omission of one. This kid decided that they didn’t want to answer the question, so they whited it out instead and we are feeling that so much. Imagine receiving an invoice and just whiting out whatever it is that you don’t want to pay! This is a great way to live: