What Happens When You Use A New Word In A Convo? Twitter Users Share Their Experiences
Have you ever been roasted for using a word that no one could understand? Or for correcting a spelling error? Or for mispronouncing a word that everyone else can pronounce? Many people on Twitter have
1. WeirdBristol had it rough one day after work when he pointed out that the moon was a gibbous one. A colleague, who never knew that the 4 phases of the mon had names, refused to believe WeirdBristol when he said that the word gibbous was a word. He got even angrier when the dictionary confirmed that WeirdBristol wasn’t making words up.
2. To be fair, mandaloridriver deserved the thrashing he got after dropping “antidisestablishmentarianism” into a conversation. Who uses such words while casually cutting cauliflowers?
Another undeserving recipient of the Twitter thrashing, MattCrivelli should have known that you should be having the exact change while checking out at a shop.
Jay Spencer Green probably looked like he was faking it at the factory while announcing that he was writing a novel. But who is to judge someone who is trying to be a writer?
There’s body shaming and then there’s face shaming. Ben Jam Scones talked of someone who was nicknamed “Plato” because his face looked like a plate and not because he was a philosopher like the name implied.
– Mousy1985 realized she was suffering from success when someone went on a date with her and was confused by half the time she was talking.